Thursday, November 13, 2008

CNN, Palin, and Obama's dog

CNN has been focusing a lot on Palin lately, such as talking about her calling to put aside "extreme partisanship" to get work done or her complimenting Obama or when she called the attacks against her "cruel" and "cowardly." There were many, many more pieces about her, and I can't help thinking with coverage like this that she is just another celebrity to them and not a political figure.

There has been some real coverage of Obama, such as him being asked to focus on Darfur and some of his lobby rules that could benefit nonprofits, but then there are also the more "fluffy" pieces, such as the packages and articles about his dog. For example, this video/article link says it is the "more pressing issue" to find the perfect puppy for his daughters. I'm not sure how people can think puppies are more important than what's going on in the world now .......

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