Monday, September 22, 2008

If Obama wins .....

Jim Geraghty did an article for National Review where he imagines what it would be like if Obama won the election. He says it does not seem like that crazy of a concept, considering the Republicans have all the negative spotlight while the Democrats have not and can say "our ideas would work perfectly, if we could just get it past those obstructionists standing in our way!" So, he explores what the "spotlight" has missed, and all the problems the Democrats have had and would most likely continue to have if elected. 

He discusses how unimpressive the Pelosi-Reid Congress is, with a chairman of the Ways and Means committee that doesn't understand the tax laws and a House Judiciary chairman who speculates about "retroactive impeachment process." He questions whether Obama will really have all the troops out of Iraq in 16 months and meet with the rulers of North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, and Iran in his first year. He also questions how well the markets will perform with top effective tax rates hitting 50 percent and how gasoline will be without offshore drilling and what effects there will be in the economy.

What I liked about this article is it brings up some key questions that need to be answered before people can make their decisions. These are all really important issues to voters, and if they do think Obama can do all the things he has said and Geraghty questions, then they will probably vote for him. Thus, I think it's good that these questions were raised, even if the article does doubt Obama can do these things. At least the questions were put out there and real issues were discussed that voters need to know about. After reading this, people can decide on their own if they think Obama can or cannot do these things, and they can base a decision on important issues and not slips of the tongue.

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