Tuesday, October 7, 2008

another NR sidenote

There's another article today on NR that I think is also really good. The author of "Focus, People: A life-or-death election" says that she thinks too much emphasis is put on the economy, Iraq, and other issues, and instead there should be some focus on the possibility of nuclear holocaust.

"Alarmist? I sure hope so. Isn't it about time that we got to the point about the stakes in this election? How many more pundits do we have to watch talking about the minutae-a candidate's look, an accent, a stumble, a slogan? We have four weeks to talk about the thing that matters most: a nuclear-armed Iran, and which candidate will prevent it."

Anne Bayefsky points out here how much the mainstream media has focused on the political narratives of the candidates and stupid other trivial matters that have nothing to do with policies or positions on issues. And I think she argues well how Iran has not had as much publicity as it should. 

At the end of the article, she shows the positions Biden, Obama, Palin, and McCain had in the debates to questions about Iran, and she used these quotes to support her conservative view that McCain is more experienced in international politics and would be more likely to prevent a nuclear holocaust. The important thing here is that she clearly showed each candidate's views along with the questions asked, so people reading this can see right away which candidate shares the same position they do. 

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