Thursday, October 9, 2008

NR focuses on voting patterns

Today's NR articles were slightly disappointing. First, the article "McCain needs Hillary: Losing North Carolina" focused on how North Carolina normally is not a key state for Democrats because since 1976 it has gone to Republicans fairly easily. However, the large black population, its progressive streak, and northerners who flee high property taxes have changed this so now Obama is likely to take it. The article says that McCain has to learn from Clinton and target conservative Democrats uncomfortable with Obama's liberal record to win the voters over. 

A second article, "Hail-Mary vote: Understanding those mysterious Catholics," talks about the Catholic voters and how crucial they are to electoral victories. The article says that they are not understood that well despite being so important and are known to swing wildly to both sides. 

Both these articles focus on the horse race aspect of the election, like much of the mainstream media. It is disappointing because normally NR has such good articles that, although usually slanted conservatively, still offer important points to think about. These, however, just made me upset that NR is following the trend and focusing on voter demographics and which state will take who etc. 

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